Annual Report 2021/22

Financial Reports


Group Company
For the year ended 31 March Note 2022
2021 restated*
2021 Previously reported**
Cash flows from operating activities
Profit before tax for the year 5,646,673,351 3,309,138,790 1,038,284,931 3,024,028,767 3,020,775,383
Adjustments for:
Interest income (366,448,548) (202,383,169) (96,682,596) (169,448,305) (156,225,875)
Profit on disposal of property, plant and equipment (51,766,277) (31,708,661) (8,625,000)
Biological assets – (gain)/loss from
produce crop valuation
(19,718,000) (10,891,000)
(Reversal)/ Provision for other receivable 370,565
Impairment of GW 50,000,000
Impairment losses and write downs on biological (Nurseries) 735,000 20,126,000 59,452 59,452
Gain on fair valuation of livestock 6,013,000 30,000
Interest expense 375,706,666 468,793,779 3,890,181 171,019,885 170,998,805
Depreciation of property, plant and equipment 644,735,023 647,977,610 22,585,396 21,463,966 21,463,966
Amortisation of intangible assets 52,863,375 38,151,772 1,317,276 4,685 4,685
Depreciation of mature plantations 180,851,000 157,230,000
Provision/(reversal) and write-off for bad and doubtful debts 90,581,040 57,788,999
Provision/(reversals) and Write-off for inventories 21,616,406 72,364,883
Profit/(loss) of equity investee 92,356
Amortisation of capital grants (50,554,000) (50,554,000)
Amortisation of leasehold right to land 11,298,000 10,120,000
Fair value gain/loss 13,989,045 1,086,323 13,989,044 2,225,511 2,225,511
Provision for retirement benefit obligations 108,571,309 119,130,631 20,309,048 15,419,185 13,526,859
Rent concession (14,221,066) (22,153,634) (1,079,325) (1,079,325)
Timber fair valuation gain (1,328,000) (1,200,000)
Loss/(gain) on disposal of associates (44,565) (44,565)
Impairment of investment in associates 436,572 436,572
Loss/(gain) on disposal of a subsidiary 2,750,340 63,000 (59,173,066) (2,032,745,933) (2,032,745,933)
Gain on partial disposal of investment in subsidiary (260,563,654) (260,563,654)
Fair value gain on investment property (241,076,323)
Fair value changes in defferred consideration (7,688,504)
Loss/(profit) on sale of investments (9,007,485) (9,007,485)
Provision for impairment for asset held for sale 143,246,439
Operating profit before working capital change 6,453,974,842 4,726,820,683 936,287,222 761,376,748 769,432,389
Changes in:
(Increase)/decrease in inventories (1,360,072,765) (1,282,057,453)
Decrease/(increase) in trade and other receivables (1,278,898,724) 47,163,592 (64,151,801) 26,811,700 27,247,827
Decrease/(increase) in amounts due from
related parties
(10,180,318) 78,318,595 92,783,968 937,795 17,561,881
Increase/(decrease) in trade and other payables 1,872,280,098 1,043,501,778 8,755,725 (1,182,698) (5,755,018)
(Decrease)/increase in amounts due to
related parties
94,380,919 (21,760,652) 8,398 (4,133,448) (3,186,792)
Cash generated from operating activities 5,771,484,053 4,591,986,543 973,683,512 783,810,098 805,300,287
Interest paid (283,774,220) (372,313,140) (3,890,181) (169,392,806) (169,371,726)
Income tax paid (870,194,920) (643,172,689) (53,549,791) (67,583,073) (63,223,579)
Employee benefits paid (74,001,816) (44,655,744) (202,586) (29,007)
Net cash from operating activities 4,543,513,098 3,531,844,970 916,040,954 546,805,212 572,704,982
Cash flows from investing activities
Interest received 356,021,548 175,994,128 96,334,771 169,478,442 156,256,012
(Investments)/disposal in other investments (101,136,712) 52,076,228 54,664,537 54,664,537
(Investments)/disposal in short-term investments (397,365,156) 375,484,496 (202,812,603)
(Investment)/disposal of subsidiary (4,486,171,654) (4,423,814,034)
Investments in debentures (100,000,000)
Investment in gratuity fund 87,800,000 (13,428,000)
Additions to bearer plants (169,818,000) (165,202,000)
Net investment in livestock (225,695,000) (53,832,000)
Additions to property, plant and equipment (918,782,371) (345,733,540) (11,393,121) (4,504,705) (4,504,705)
Acquisition of intangible assets (189,734,470) (52,883,028) (18,789,851) (7,555,660) (7,555,660)
Proceeds from sales of livestock 25,821,000
Disposal of investment in associates 900,000 900,000
Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment 66,368,185 77,070,511 16,800,000
Acquisition of non-controlling interest in subsidiaries (400,000,000) (2,903,064,032) (400,000,000)
Acquisition of subsidiaries (net of cash) (2,238,359,537)
Disposal of subsidiary (net of cash) 645,479,827 1,268,000 735,836,457 2,999,743,572 2,999,743,572
Proceeds on disposal of shares held in subsidiary 278,429,916 278,429,916 278,429,916
Defferred consideration paid (70,337,910)
Net proceeds from disposal of biological assets 402,000
Acquisition of investment property (19,518,058)
Net cash (used in)/generated from
investing activities
(1,309,595,117) (4,812,178,858) 116,875,654 (995,915,552) (946,780,362)
Cash flows from financing activities
Receipts of interest-bearing borrowings 4,731,267,603 11,031,270,271 3,104,000,000 3,104,000,000
Proceeds from share issued by subsidiary to NCI 355,940,000 1,520,750,002
Advance received from NCI (APHL) 10,000,000
Repayments of interest-bearing borrowings (6,025,277,528) (11,852,381,665) (768,701,275) (4,999,121,698) (4,999,121,698)
Payment of lease liabilities (65,024,043) (175,206,298) (16,369,056) (14,750,775) (14,750,775)
Dividend paid (1,601,556,914) (955,149,219) (448,662,310) (261,719,680) (261,719,680)
Net cash from financing activities (2,594,650,883) (430,716,909) (1,233,732,641) (2,171,592,153) (2,171,592,153)
Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents 639,267,098 (1,711,050,797) (200,816,033) (2,620,702,493) (2,545,667,533)
Cash and cash equivalents as at 1 April 1,698,437,024 3,408,395,610 1,409,110,452 4,029,812,945 3,826,333,848
Effect of movement in exchange rates 9,505,900 1,092,211
Cash and cash equivalents as at 31 March 2,347,210,022 1,698,437,024 1,208,294,419 1,409,110,452 1,280,666,315

* The balances presented represent the restated balances for the year ended 31 March 2021 to reflect the adjustments made as if the amalgamation between the Company and Sunshine Energy (Pvt) Limited, took place on 1 April 2020. Refer Note 46.

** The balances presented represent the balances as reported in the Audited Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2022. These balances are presented for the purposes of comparability.

Figures in brackets indicate deductions.

The Accounting Policies and Notes from page 65 to 179 are an integral part of these Financial Statements.
